Explore the history of this unique neighborhood as you stroll through the historic district in person, or virtually.
How Does the In-Person Tour Work?
There are 20 signposts specifically placed around the community at which smartphone users can scan a QR code to discover historic photographs and information about each location. When viewing the historic images, be sure to look around to match your surroundings to the photo. Some locations have views in several directions. At the bottom of each page, you will find an expandable map to navigate to your next location. The tour can be taken in any order, and it can start from any location.
How Does the Virtual Tour Work?
The tour is accessible virtually by selecting one of the 20 numbered sites on the interactive map. Each number opens a pop-up window with a link to take you to the respective page with historic photographs and descriptions of that location. If you are unable to visit Mount Tabor, feel free to browse the map and read the web pages.
Brief History
Mount Tabor was founded as a Methodist camp meeting ground in 1869. The town grew quickly, evolving from a religious revival tented campground into summer resort cottages and eventually, to a quaint residential community. Today, the Mount Tabor Historic District is recognized on the New Jersey and National Register of Historic Places. The proudly preserved Victorian-style homes and elaborate gingerbread decoration create a distinctive historic community, well worth the visit.
The Mount Tabor Historical Society is pleased to team up with Parsippany Troop 173 Scout Eashan Iyer who boldly chose to use his Eagle Project to purposely create new kinds of engagement with places of our past. This project opens up the Society’s archives and makes our rich history accessible to you. Accolades to Eashan for taking on this ambitious project!
First-time visitors may find parking to be challenging in Mount Tabor. We recommend you park your car at the designated visitor parking spots across from the Post Office along Simpson Avenue. If you see numbered spots, don’t park there! That is a separate lot reserved for permitted parking only.
Tour Map